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Claremorris National School
Claremorris, Co. Mayo
Tips for Children on Internet Safety
Remember the "Front Door Rule".

Never put anything on your profile that you wouldn't put on your front door e.g.
- your real name
- your date of birth
- a photo of yourself.
We only let in people we know.
Your Digital Footprint

Your digital footprint is a record of everything you do and leave on the internet.
You are leaving it on private property.
You have no control over it.
"The T-Shirt Rule"

Never say anything online that you would not wear on a t-shirt.
Do not make a comment to someone or about someone if you would not wear it on a t-shirt.
Do not use language you would not wear on a t-shirt.
Stop, Block and Tell

If someone online asks you for personal information OR
If someone online is bullying you-
STOP all communication with that person.
BLOCK them from your account.
TELL a trusted adult.
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